XmlEventReader::getEncoding API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

virtual const unsigned char * XmlEventReader::getEncoding() const

virtual bool XmlEventReader::encodingSet() const

virtual const unsigned char * XmlEventReader::getVersion() const

virtual const unsigned char * XmlEventReader::getSystemId() const

virtual bool XmlEventReader::isStandalone() const

virtual bool XmlEventReader::standaloneSet() const

Description: XmlEventReader::getEncoding

These methods return metadata about the document, and are valid only if the event type is StartDocument.

Description: XmlEventReader::getEncoding() const

Returns the encoding for the document, if available.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.

Description: XmlEventReader::encodingSet() const

Checks if the encoding was explicitly set.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.

Description: XmlEventReader::getVersion() const

Returns the XML version string, if available.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.

Description: XmlEventReader::getSystemId() const

Returns the document's system ID, if available.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.

Description: XmlEventReader::isStandalone() const

Return whether the document is standalone.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.

Description: XmlEventReader::standaloneSet() const

Checks if the standalone attribute was explicitly set.

If the event type is not StartDocument, XmlException::EVENT_ERROR is thrown.


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