XmlEventReader::setReportEntityInfo API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

virtual void XmlEventReader::setReportEntityInfo(bool value)

virtual bool XmlEventReader::getReportEntityInfo() const

Description: XmlEventReader::setReportEntityInfo

The events of type StartEntityReference and EndEntityReference are used to report the start and end of XML that was originally an entity reference in the XML text, but has since been expanded. These events, if available, are useful for serialization of XML that includes such expanded entities. It allows the entity references to be restored during serialization. Most of the internal implementations of XmlEventReader have this information available. By default, these events are not reported.

Description: XmlEventReader::setReportEntityInfo(bool value)

Sets whether the XmlEventReader should include events of type StartEntityReference and EndEntityReference, if it is possible.

Description: XmlEventReader::getReportEntityInfo() const

Gets whether the XmlEventReader will include events of type StartEntityReference and EndEntityReference.



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