XmlIndexSpecification API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

class DbXml::XmlIndexSpecification { public: XmlIndexSpecification(); XmlIndexSpecification(const XmlIndexSpecification &); ~XmlIndexSpecification(); XmlIndexSpecification &operator = (const XmlIndexSpecification &) ... };

Description: XmlIndexSpecification

The XmlIndexSpecification class encapsulates the indexing specification of a container. An indexing specification can be retrieved with the XmlContainer::getIndexSpecification method, and modified using the XmlContainer::setIndexSpecification method.

The XmlIndexSpecification class provides an interface for manipulating the indexing specification through the XmlIndexSpecification::addIndex, XmlIndexSpecification::deleteIndex, and XmlIndexSpecification::replaceIndex methods. The class interface also provides the XmlIndexSpecification::next and XmlIndexSpecification::reset methods for iterating through the specified indices. The XmlIndexSpecification::find method can be used to search for the indexing strategy for a known node.

Finally, you can set a default index specification for a container using XmlIndexSpecification::addDefaultIndex. You can replace and delete the default index using XmlIndexSpecification::replaceDefaultIndex and XmlIndexSpecification::deleteDefaultIndex.

Note that adding an index to a container results in re-indexing all of the documents in that container, which can take a very long time. It is good practice to design an application to add useful indices before populating a container.

A copy constructor and assignment operator are provided for this class. The class is implemented using a handle-body idiom. When a handle is copied both handles maintain a reference to the same body.

This object is not thread-safe, and can only be safely used by one thread at a time in an application.


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