XmlInputStream API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

virtual XmlInputStream::~XmlInputStream()

Description: XmlInputStream

Used to read and write XML data. You can obtain an instance of this object using one of XmlManager::createLocalFileInputStream, XmlManager::createMemBufInputStream, XmlManager::createStdInInputStream, XmlManager::createURLInputStream, or XmlDocument::getContentAsXmlInputStream. You use instances of this class with XmlContainer::putDocument and XmlDocument::setContentAsXmlInputStream.

You can manually retrieve the contents of the input stream using XmlInputStream::readBytes and XmlInputStream::curPos.

XmlInputStream is a pure virtual interface. In C++, you can subclass XmlInputStream, and pass an instance of your class to any of the methods that take it as a parameter, such as XmlContainer::putDocument. This is especially useful for streaming XML from an application directly into Berkeley DB XML without first converting it to a string.


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