XmlQueryExpression::execute API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

XmlResults XmlQueryExpression::execute( XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0) XmlResults XmlQueryExpression::execute(const XmlValue &contextItem, XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0) XmlResults XmlQueryExpression::execute( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0) XmlResults XmlQueryExpression::execute(XmlTransaction &txn, const XmlValue &contextItem, XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0)

Description: XmlQueryExpression::execute

Evaluates (runs) an XQuery query that was previously prepared by XmlManager::prepare and returns an XmlResults set.

There are two basic forms of this method: one that takes an XmlValue object, and another that does not. For methods that do not take an XmlValue, the XQuery must restrict the scope of the query using either the collection() or the doc() XQuery navigation functions, or an exception is thrown.

For those forms of this method that take an XmlValue, the query is applied against that object.

Description: XmlQueryExpression.execute( XmlTransaction &txn, XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0)

Evaluates the XQuery expression against the containers and documents identified by the query, from within the scope of the provided XmlTransaction object..

txn queryContext flags

Description: XmlQueryExpression.execute( XmlTransaction &txn, const XmlValue &contextItem, XmlQueryContext &queryContext, u_int32_t flags = 0)

Evaluates the XQuery expression against the provided context item.

txn contextItem queryContext flags


The XmlQueryExpression::execute method may fail and throw XmlException, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:



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