XmlResolver API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

virtual XmlResolver::~XmlResolver()

Description: XmlResolver

Provides an unimplemented base class that is used for file resolution policy. Implementations of this class are used for URI resolution, or for public and system ids resolution. XmlResolver implementations are identified for use using XmlManager::registerResolver.

The XmlResolver class allows applications to provide named access to application-specific objects, such as documents, collections of documents, DTDs, and XML schema. Berkeley DB XML can resolve references to names within a container, or a file system; applications can create XmlResolver instances that can resolve entities in other locations.

For an example of an XmlResolver implementation, see the Berkeley DB XML distribution file test/cpp/util/TestResolver.cpp.

If an application uses multiple threads, custom implementations of XmlResolver must be free threaded, and allow multiple, simultaneous calls for resolution.


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