XmlValue API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

class DbXml::XmlValue { public: ... std::string getNodeHandle() const std::string getNodeName() const std::string getNodeValue() const std::string getNamespaceURI() const std::string getPrefix() const std::string getLocalName() const short getNodeType() const XmlValue getParentNode() const XmlValue getFirstChild() const XmlValue getLastChild() const XmlValue getPreviousSibling() const XmlValue getNextSibling() const XmlResults getAttributes() const XmlValue getOwnerElement() const ... };

Description: XmlValue

Methods to retrieve information and values from an XmlValue object of type XmlValue::NODE.

Description: XmlValue::getNodeHandle()

Returns a string handle representing an XmlValue of type XmlValue::NODE, which can be used to construct a new XmlValue object representing the same node, at a later time, using XmlContainer::getNode. The handle returned encodes its document ID; however, it does not include its container. Matching a node handle to container is the responsibility of the caller.

Node handles are guaranteed to remain stable in the absence of modifications to a document. If a document is modified, a handle may cease to exist, or may belong to a different node.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getNodeName() const

Returns the name of the node contained in this XmlValue.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getNodeValue() const

Returns the node's value.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getNamespaceURI() const

Returns the URI used for the node's namespace.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getPrefix() const

Returns the prefix set for the node's namespace.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getLocalName() const

Returns the node's local name. For example, if a node has the namespace prefix, "prefix," and its qualified name is prefix:name, then 'name' is the local name.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getNodeType() const

Returns the short value for this node's type (XmlValue::NodeType).


If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getParentNode() const

Returns current node's parent. If the node has no parent, a null node is returned.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getFirstChild() const

Returns current node's first child node. If the node has no children, a null node is returned.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getLastChild() const

Returns current node's last child node. If the node has no children, a null node is returned.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getPreviousSibling() const

Returns the sibling node immediately preceding this node in the document. If the current node had no siblings preceding it in the document, a null node is returned.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getNextSibling() const

Returns the sibling node immediately following this node in the document. If the current node had no siblings following it in the document, a null node is returned.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getAttributes() const

Returns returns a XmlResults that contains all of the attributes appearing on this node.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.

Description: XmlValue::getOwnerElement() const

If the current node is an attribute node, returns the document element node that contains this attribute node.

If the node type is not XmlValue::NODE, XmlException::INVALID_VALUE is thrown.


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