Berkeley DB
version 5.3.21

Class RawStore

  extended by com.sleepycat.persist.raw.RawStore

public class RawStore
extends Object

Provides access to the raw data in a store for use by general purpose tools. A RawStore provides access to stored entities without using entity classes or key classes. Keys are represented as simple type objects or, for composite keys, as RawObject instances, and entities are represented as RawObject instances.

RawStore objects are thread-safe. Multiple threads may safely call the methods of a shared RawStore object.

When using a RawStore, the current persistent class definitions are not used. Instead, the previously stored metadata and class definitions are used. This has several implications:

  1. An EntityModel may not be specified using StoreConfig.setModel(com.sleepycat.persist.model.EntityModel). In other words, the configured model must be null (the default).
  2. When storing entities, their format will not automatically be evolved to the current class definition, even if the current class definition has changed.

Constructor Summary
RawStore(Environment env, String storeName, StoreConfig config)
          Opens an entity store for raw data access.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes all databases and sequences that were opened by this model.
 StoreConfig getConfig()
          Returns a copy of the entity store configuration.
 Environment getEnvironment()
          Returns the environment associated with this store.
 EntityModel getModel()
          Returns the last configured and stored entity model for this store.
 Mutations getMutations()
          Returns the set of mutations that were configured and stored previously.
 PrimaryIndex<Object,RawObject> getPrimaryIndex(String entityClass)
          Opens the primary index for a given entity class.
 SecondaryIndex<Object,Object,RawObject> getSecondaryIndex(String entityClass, String keyName)
          Opens the secondary index for a given entity class and secondary key name.
 String getStoreName()
          Returns the name of this store.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RawStore(Environment env,
                String storeName,
                StoreConfig config)
         throws StoreNotFoundException,
Opens an entity store for raw data access.

env - an open Berkeley DB environment.
storeName - the name of the entity store within the given environment.
config - the store configuration, or null to use default configuration properties.
IllegalArgumentException - if the Environment is read-only and the config ReadOnly property is false.
Method Detail


public PrimaryIndex<Object,RawObject> getPrimaryIndex(String entityClass)
                                               throws DatabaseException
Opens the primary index for a given entity class.

DatabaseException - the base class for all BDB exceptions.


public SecondaryIndex<Object,Object,RawObject> getSecondaryIndex(String entityClass,
                                                                 String keyName)
                                                          throws DatabaseException
Opens the secondary index for a given entity class and secondary key name.

DatabaseException - the base class for all BDB exceptions.


public Environment getEnvironment()
Returns the environment associated with this store.


public StoreConfig getConfig()
Returns a copy of the entity store configuration.


public String getStoreName()
Returns the name of this store.


public EntityModel getModel()
Returns the last configured and stored entity model for this store.


public Mutations getMutations()
Returns the set of mutations that were configured and stored previously.


public void close()
           throws DatabaseException
Closes all databases and sequences that were opened by this model. No databases opened via this store may be in use.

WARNING: To guard against memory leaks, the application should discard all references to the closed handle. While BDB makes an effort to discard references from closed objects to the allocated memory for an environment, this behavior is not guaranteed. The safe course of action for an application is to discard all references to closed BDB objects.

DatabaseException - the base class for all BDB exceptions.

Berkeley DB
version 5.3.21

Copyright (c) 1996, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.