XmlManager::query API Ref

#include <DbXml.hpp>

XmlResults XmlManager::query(const std::string &xquery, XmlQueryContext &context, u_int32_t flags = 0)

XmlResults XmlManager::query(XmlTransaction &txn, const std::string &xquery, XmlQueryContext &context, u_int32_t flags = 0)

Description: XmlManager::query

Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object. This method is the equivalent of calling XmlManager::prepare and then XmlQueryExpression::execute on the prepared query.

The scope of the query can be restricted using one of the XQuery navigational functions. For example:




The scope of a query can also be controlled by passing an appropriate contextItem object to XmlQueryExpression::execute.

Note that this method is suitable for performing one-off queries. If you want to execute a query more than once, you should use XmlManager::prepare to compile the expression, and then use XmlQueryExpression::execute to run it.

This method returns an XmlResults object. You then iterate over the results set contained in that object using XmlResults::next and XmlResults::previous.

For more information on querying containers and documents, see the Berkeley DB XML Getting Started Guide.

txn xquery context flags


The XmlManager::query method may fail and throw XmlException, encapsulating one of the following non-zero errors:



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