Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Uses of Class

Packages that use XmlTransaction
com.sleepycat.dbxml Berkeley DB XML Java API
[reference guide]

Uses of XmlTransaction in com.sleepycat.dbxml

Methods in com.sleepycat.dbxml that return XmlTransaction
 XmlTransaction XmlManager.createTransaction()
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig).
 XmlTransaction XmlManager.createTransaction(Transaction toUse)
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by adopting the provided transaction handle.
 XmlTransaction XmlManager.createTransaction(Transaction parent, TransactionConfig config)
          Creates a new XmlTransaction object by calling Environment.beginTransaction(com.sleepycat.db.Transaction, com.sleepycat.db.TransactionConfig) with the supplied parent transaction.

Methods in com.sleepycat.dbxml with parameters of type XmlTransaction
 void XmlContainer.addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.addDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds a default index to the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, int indexType, int syntaxType, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.addIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Adds an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlManager.compactContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Compacts the content of the container in the context of a transaction.
 boolean XmlCompression.compress(XmlTransaction txn, XmlData source, XmlData dest)
          This method is called to compress the source into the destination.
 XmlContainer XmlManager.createContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Creates and opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer XmlManager.createContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Creates a container in the scope of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 boolean XmlCompression.decompress(XmlTransaction txn, XmlData source, XmlData dest)
          This method is called to decompress the source into the destination.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes the default index for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the named document from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Removes the specified XmlDocument from the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.deleteIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Deletes an index of the specified type for the named document node in the context of a transaction.
 XmlResults XmlExternalFunction.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, XmlArguments args)
          This method is called from within a query to execute the function for which the instance was implemented.
 XmlResults XmlQueryExpression.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext queryContext)
          Evaluates the XQuery expression against the containers and documents identified by the query, from within the scope of the provided XmlTransaction object.
 XmlResults XmlIndexLookup.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context)
          Executes the index lookup operation specified by the configuration of the XmlIndexLookup object.
 XmlResults XmlQueryExpression.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext queryContext, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Evaluates the XQuery expression against the containers and documents identified by the query, from within the scope of the provided XmlTransaction object, with configuration.
 XmlResults XmlIndexLookup.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Executes the index lookup operation specified by the configuration of the XmlIndexLookup object.
 XmlResults XmlQueryExpression.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlValue contextItem, XmlQueryContext queryContext)
          Evaluates the XQuery expression against the provided context item in the given query context, from within the scope of the provided XmlTransaction object.
 XmlResults XmlQueryExpression.execute(XmlTransaction txn, XmlValue contextItem, XmlQueryContext queryContext, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Evaluates the XQuery expression against the provided context item, from within the scope of the provided XmlTransaction object.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.getAllDocuments(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns all XmlDocument objects in the container, with configuration options, in the context of a transaction.
 boolean XmlContainer.getAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn)
          Retrieves the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlDocument XmlContainer.getDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlDocument XmlContainer.getDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns the XmlDocument with the specified name in the scope of a transaction, with configuration options.
 XmlIndexSpecification XmlContainer.getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn)
          Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlIndexSpecification XmlContainer.getIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Retrieves the current index specification for the container in the scope of a transaction using the specified XmlDocumentConfig object.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.getNode(XmlTransaction txn, String handle, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Returns the XmlResults which contains the object associated with the specified handle in the scope of a transaction.
 int XmlContainer.getNumDocuments(XmlTransaction txn)
          Returns the number of XmlDocument objects in the container, in the context of a transaction.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlResults XmlContainer.lookupIndex(XmlTransaction txn, XmlQueryContext context, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Deprecated. as of release 2.2. Use XmlManager.createIndexLookup(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlContainer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlValue, int) and XmlIndexLookup.execute(com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlQueryContext) instead.
 XmlStatistics XmlContainer.lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 XmlStatistics XmlContainer.lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlStatistics XmlContainer.lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String parentUri, String parentName, String index, XmlValue value)
          Lookup statistics for the identified edge index in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlStatistics XmlContainer.lookupStatistics(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlValue value)
          Returns an XmlStatistics object for the identified index.
 XmlContainer XmlManager.openContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Opens a container in the context of a transaction, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlContainer XmlManager.openContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Opens a container, returning a handle to an XmlContainer object.
 XmlQueryExpression XmlManager.prepare(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Compile an XQuery expression into an XmlQueryExpression object.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String contents, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document into the container with a given name and string content in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, String content, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and string content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlEventReader reader, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name into the container, using the content retrieved from the given XmlEventReader as content, within a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 String XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlInputStream input, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts a document with given name and content into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.putDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Inserts an XmlDocument into the container in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter XmlContainer.putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter XmlContainer.putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter XmlContainer.putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlEventWriter XmlContainer.putDocumentAsEventWriter(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Prepares to insert an XmlDocument into the container, using the returned XmlEventWriter, in the scope of a transaction.
 XmlResults XmlManager.query(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 XmlResults XmlManager.query(XmlTransaction txn, String query, XmlQueryContext context, XmlDocumentConfig config)
          Executes a query in the context of the XmlManager object.
 void XmlManager.reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void XmlManager.reindexContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext context, XmlContainerConfig config)
          Reindex a container.
 void XmlManager.removeContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name)
          Removes the underlying file for the container from the file system in the context of a transaction.
 void XmlManager.renameContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String oldName, String newName)
          Renames the container's underlying file in the context of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index)
          Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.replaceDefaultIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces the container's default index in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.replaceIndex(XmlTransaction txn, String uri, String name, String index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Replaces an index of the specified type for the named document node in the scope of a transaction.
 boolean XmlResolver.resolveCollection(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String uri, XmlResults result)
          When implemented, should resolve a URI to an XmlResults.
 boolean XmlResolver.resolveDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String uri, XmlValue result)
          When implemented, should resolve a URI to an XmlValue.
 XmlInputStream XmlResolver.resolveEntity(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String systemId, String publicId)
          When implemented, should resolve a System ID and Public ID to a new XmlInputStream.
 XmlExternalFunction XmlResolver.resolveExternalFunction(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String uri, String name, int numberOfArgs)
          When implemented this method resolves a unigue combination of function URI, function name and number of arguments into an instance of XmlExternalFunction used to implement an XQuery extension function.
 XmlInputStream XmlResolver.resolveModule(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String moduleLocation, String namespace)
          When implemented, should resolve a module location and namespace to a new XmlInputStream.
 boolean XmlResolver.resolveModuleLocation(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String nameSpace, XmlResults result)
          When implemented, should resolve a module namespace to list of strings that are locations for the files that comprise the module.
 XmlInputStream XmlResolver.resolveSchema(XmlTransaction txn, XmlManager mgr, String schemaLocation, String nameSpace)
          When implemented, should resolve schema location and namespace information to a new XmlInputStream.
 void XmlContainer.setAutoIndexing(XmlTransaction txn, boolean value)
          Sets the current state of automatic indexing for the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlIndexSpecification index)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.setIndexSpecification(XmlTransaction txn, XmlIndexSpecification index, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Defines the type of indexing to be maintained for a container of documents in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlManager.truncateContainer(XmlTransaction txn, String name, XmlUpdateContext uc)
          Truncates the content of the container in the context of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction.
 void XmlContainer.updateDocument(XmlTransaction txn, XmlDocument document, XmlUpdateContext context)
          Updates an XmlDocument in the container in the scope of a transaction.

Berkeley DB XML
version 2.5.16

Copyright (c) 1996,2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.