Berkeley DB XML: XmlEventReader and Related Methods

XmlEventReaderRead XML events.
XmlEventReader::closeRelease resources for reader.
XmlEventReader::getEventTypeReturn the type of the current event.
XmlEventReader::getNamespaceURIReturn the namespace URI of the current element event.
XmlEventReader::getLocalNameReturn the name of the current element event.
XmlEventReader::getPrefixReturn the namespace prefix for the current element event.
XmlEventReader::getValueReturn the value of the current event.
XmlEventReader::getAttributeCountReturn the number of attributes for an element event.
XmlEventReader::isAttributeSpecifiedCheck if an attribute is specified.
XmlEventReader::getAttributeLocalNameGet attribute's local name.
XmlEventReader::getAttributeNamespaceURIGet attribute's namespace URI.
XmlEventReader::getAttributePrefixGet attribute's namespace prefix.
XmlEventReader::getAttributeValueGet attribute's value.
XmlEventReader::hasEmptyElementInfoCheck if object will return empty element state.
XmlEventReader::hasEntityEscapeInfoCheck if object has information about entities.
XmlEventReader::hasNextCheck if there are more events.
XmlEventReader::isEmptyElementCheck current element is empty.
XmlEventReader::isWhiteSpaceCheck if current text value is white space.
XmlEventReader::needsEntityEscapeCheck if text or attribute value needs escaping.
XmlEventReader::nextMove to the next event.
XmlEventReader::nextTagMove to the next StartElement or EndElement event.
XmlEventReader::setExpandEntitiesSet whether to expand entities.
XmlEventReader::getExpandEntitiesGet whether to expand entities.
XmlEventReader::setReportEntityInfoSet whether to report entity information.
XmlEventReader::getReportEntityInfoGet whether to report entity information.
XmlEventReader::getEncodingReturn the encoding of the document.
XmlEventReader::getVersionReturn the XML version string for the document.
XmlEventReader::getSystemIdReturn the System ID for for the document.
XmlEventReader::isStandaloneCheck if document is standalone XML.
XmlEventReader::standaloneSetCheck if the standalone attribute is set.
XmlEventReader::encodingSetCheck if the encoding is explicitly set.

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